Character List Hamlet Play by William Shakespeare


"Hamlet" is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare around 1600. It is considered one of Shakespeare's most famous and enduring works. The play tells the story of Prince Hamlet of Denmark, who is thrown into a whirlwind of grief, revenge, and political intrigue after the sudden death of his father, King Hamlet. Hamlet's world is further shattered when his mother, Queen Gertrude, hastily marries his uncle, King Claudius, who is suspected of murdering Hamlet's father.

Haunted by his father's ghost, which reveals that he was indeed murdered by Claudius, Hamlet is torn between his desire for revenge and his contemplative nature. As he feigns madness to investigate the truth, the play explores themes of betrayal, madness, love, and the corrupting influence of power. Hamlet's internal struggle and the complex web of relationships in the Danish court lead to a tragic and climactic series of events, including duels, poisonings, and death.

"Hamlet" is renowned for its profound soliloquies, intricate character development, and exploration of the human psyche. It remains a timeless masterpiece, delving into universal themes that continue to captivate audiences and scholars alike.

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 Characters in "Hamlet"

Major Characters

1. Prince Hamlet

Description: The grieving Prince of Denmark who seeks to avenge his father's murder and unravel the intrigue in the royal court.

2. King Claudius

Description: Hamlet's uncle and the current king of Denmark, who is suspected of murdering his brother, King Hamlet, to seize the throne.

3. Queen Gertrude

Description: Hamlet's mother, who marries King Claudius shortly after King Hamlet's death, leading to tension in the royal family.

4. Polonius

Description: The chief counselor to King Claudius, Polonius is a verbose and often foolish character, with a daughter named Ophelia and a son named Laertes.

5. Ophelia

Description: Polonius's daughter and Hamlet's love interest, who becomes a tragic figure as the play unfolds.

Supporting Characters

6. Laertes

Description: Polonius's son and Ophelia's brother, Laertes is passionate and seeks revenge against Hamlet for the death of his father.

7. Horatio

Description: Hamlet's loyal and trustworthy friend, who provides support and counsel to the prince throughout the play.

8. The Ghost of King Hamlet

Description: The apparition of Hamlet's deceased father, King Hamlet, who reveals that he was murdered by Claudius.

9. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

Description: Childhood friends of Hamlet, they are manipulated by Claudius to spy on Hamlet and serve the king's interests.

10. Fortinbras

Description: The Prince of Norway, who seeks to avenge his father's death and reclaim territory lost to Denmark.

Minor Characters

11. The Players (Actors)

Description: A troupe of actors who perform a play within the play, helping Hamlet confirm Claudius's guilt.

12. Gravediggers

Description: Two gravediggers who provide a touch of dark humor and contemplation on death in Act V.

13. Osric

Description: A courtier in the Danish court who delivers the challenge to Hamlet from Laertes regarding the fencing match.

14. Voltemand and Cornelius

Description: Courtiers sent by Claudius to Norway to address Fortinbras's threat.

This beautifully designed character list should help you navigate the complex web of characters in Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and their roles in the tragic story.

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